What is e-gold?
e-gold is an electronic currency, issued by e-gold Ltd., a Nevis corporation, 100% backed at all times by gold bullion in allocated storage. e-gold is accounted by weight of metal, not US$ or any other national currency unit. Weight units have a precise, invariable, internationally recognized definition. Additionally, precious metals, gold in particular, enjoy a long history of monetary use around the world. Thus, e-gold is ideally suited for international transactions. Go to e-gold site to know more.
How do i get an account in e-gold system?
Creating e-Gold account is very easy, free and it takes less than a minute (no credit card check). All you need is to fill in a form on e-gold site. You can do so at https://www.e-gold.com/newacct/.
Why do i have to buy or sell e-gold in third-party companies?
Unlike other popular Internet payment systems, you can't buy e-gold from (or sell e-gold to) e-gold Ltd in exchange for any national currency (USD, EUR, GBP, etc). The e-gold system is designed to be absolutely free of any financial risk. There can be no debt or contingent liabilities associated with e-gold. For this reason, e-gold Ltd. does not possess any national currency of any nation and has no bank accounts. Thus, e-gold Ltd. is not able to offer currency exchange services. That's why you need to use independent exchange services around the world support exchange between national currencies and e-gold.